Advanced Analytics

Metrix Research & Analytics has a specialist team working closely with clients in areas such as analysis automation, data visualization, data mining and insights.

Price analytics: Data science and visualization techniques are deployed to identify impact of market interventions such as price increases on product portfolio and sales growth.

Retail Location Identification: An automated PowerBI based dashboard has been developed on the basis of economic survey data, retail densities in general as well as for specific products.

 E Commerce analytics: Special modules have been created to access, organize & present online prices and product mix in a real time, meaningful manner. Another algorithm is in the works to estimate and track online sales for diverse set of products.

 Social media analytics: Subscription to specialized online services allows access for our team to vast online conversations on different platforms. Machine learning is being deployed to glean meaningful insights related to brand health.

Advanced analytics is being subscribed to by an increasing number of Clients including  two of the largest consumer electricals companies and a lighting major.


Grow your business with our solution